It's a SELFIE Anniversary
The 12th December 2020 marks one year that I am divorced. A year of being single. A whole year already, I cannot believe how quickly it flew by. Highlights and lowlights, but I want to start this post with the lowlights and end on the highlights as it currently stands.
There's the saying that goes "a divorce is worse than death" I didn't understand it at first, but now I do.
This year was filled with court battles, maintenance court, childrens court, court court court. I feel like I've been to court more this year than my kids have been to school (hehehe jokes)! But on a serious note it's been crazy. God has really been my pillar of strength and peace because it's super draining and I know I'm not alone in this boat, so I take my hat off to others who are in a similar situation.
On the highlight though, this year of singleness has been rather interesting. Of course there's moments where I feel the loneliness and miss having companionship because God has always placed the desire in my heart to do life with someone. So there's times where I miss doing life with someone special, and I know one day I'll have that again. But I am also really grateful that I'm single. I've been learning soo much about myself, loving myself, rediscovering myself and building more of myself. Enjoying my own company, which was scary in the beginning but now I appreciate it and I am definitely enjoying the freedom of doing what I want when I want :-)
I like to think of myself as an extrovert. I absolutely love meeting people in person anywhere and everywhere. But nowadays everyone is doing this online thing. I just want to meet new people and make friends so I tried Tinder out... three times this year. I say three times because I'd go on, swipe and one month later deactivate my account out of frustration and then stay off for a few months. And repeat lol. It would be so frustrating because I I can't deal with small talk. Online or in person, so Tinder or no Tinder I'm all about deep interesting meaningful conversations. The kind of conversations that continue effortlessly...If you know what I mean.
Like I said my single season so far has been very interesting. I believe it's a season of preparation and molding. I'm not sure how long this season will last but I plan to keep making the most of it. After all, there are pros and cons to everything in life, like being married and being single. It won't always be easy but God is good in every season, it's just up to us to see the goodness and to understand what it is He is trying to teach us or do in us in that season.